Who We Are?
Our Mission
Who we are
Sisters forum aim is to engage, educate and empower BAME women within the communities who are vulnerable and isolated, with the skills and confidence necessary to become independent, secure a job, create a healthy lifestyle, and regain confidence for themselves and their children.
It’s about empowering and educating BAME woman to reach their full potential by giving them all the support that they need, to overcome all barriers. Sisters Forum will provide them with all necessary support, to change their life for better. We aim to create a positive social change, as we believe every woman has great potential.
Sister’s forum was set up in 2012 on International Women’s Day as a celebration and a protest against Domestic Violence in Newham, London. By local residence, the aim was to end Domestic violence in Newham and to provide a platform for those who live in fear. Now we have clients from Newcastle and Luton.
It’s not only the bruise on the body that hurts it’s words that leave a scar behind..
A society where BAME Women, have the equal rights, voice and the ability to contribute and be treated equally
Engage and educate the wider society to promote the needs of BAME Women today.
To engage and work with the community to empower BAME Women so they can appreciate their full potential as individuals and in relationship to family and society.

What we do
We campaign about sensitive and difficult issues faced by BAME Women today we work with all women from different background and men too.
Support women who experience domestic violence with a range of services. Provide information and help with housing and homelessness Empowering through training and education. Healing through creativity advice and advocacy. Support vulnerable people to make decisions and have their voice heard when decisions are being made about their lives.
Business foundation
Child care
Social Care
Capacity building and training workshops
Life skills
decision-making and problem-solving;
communication and interpersonal skills;
self-awareness and empathy;
emotional stability – coping with emotions and coping with stress.
Help young people develop the skills they need to succeed in future career.
Advocacy work
We provide support to vulnerable women and marginalised communities to speak up when decisions are being made about their lives. We provide support to BAME women to understand their rights and make choices. Such as helping them explore options access services and ensure that people are involved in their own care and support planning. As the biggest challenge faced by these women are stigma, isolation and inequality in the community.
Educating people and creating awareness by talking about domestic violence and the effects it has on individuals. At events community service radio tv. It’s also gives an opportunity to connect with others who also want to raise awareness.
Make yourself a priority

Women of all ages need to be empowered to help raise their self-esteem and self worth to know they can too make a difference to themselves and others.
Women are often victims of societal pressure, peer pressure from friends/colleagues, bullied in any way, pressure from parents to live up to high standards. They may experience abuse in any way from relationships/marriages. Being apart of a dysfunctional or abusive family or relationship.. Whether you are the wife or even the child witnessing and experiencing it from parents or even in laws. Or get bullied personally from individuals whether it be in the playground or in marriage. Or professionally bullied from organisations and work places.
Pressure from the Media and often the glamorous fashion and entertainment world can cause Lower self esteem and a feeling of inadequacy or a lack of fulfilment.
We at sisters forum strive to Empower women in any way possible to raise their self esteem and confidence. Because once a woman knows her self worth she’s an invaluable asset to the community.
Positive psychology is needed in the way we deal with, help and empower women.
Feeding homeless
Domestic abuse is the single most reason why people become homeless according to shelter 2002.
Once a month we feed homeless people warm food in Newham